Get in touch

We value all feedback as we believe it helps us find ways to improve our service delivery.   From complaints to compliments, any bit of feedback can help us improve our services for you

Association Main Office Advice & Learning Centre

868 Tollcross Road, G32 8PF

0141 763 1317

84 Braidfauld Street, G32 8PJ

0141 764 1234

Repairs & maintenance contacts
For logging repairs, maintenance and landscaping matters.
For gas servicing appointments, certificates and checking details.
For new kitchen, bathrooms and central heating.
Get in touch online

Make a complaint 

To help address failures in service, or when something just hasn’t gone to plan, we ask our customers to get in touch as soon as they are dissatisfied.  

When we receive a complaint, we will:
  • listen to what you have to say. 
  • carry out a thorough, impartial, and fair investigation.
  • try to resolve the complaint, where possible. 
  • respond as soon as possible (5-days for stage 1 / 20-days for stage 2). 
  • apologise for failures and take action to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

We have adopted the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman complaint handling procedure.  However, if you remain dissatisfied with the final decision regarding a complaint, you can escalate this matter to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman or other relevant body.

You can make a complaint online, by email, by phone, in person or in writing – just let us know.

Complaints about our factoring services

For complaints (where you are dissatisfied with the final decision) about our factoring service, complaints from shared owners, or complaints about private residential tenancies, customers should contact the Housing and Property Chamber (First-tier Tribunal for Scotland).

Complaints about our sheltered housing services

For complaints about our social care service, you can choose to complain to us or directly to the Care Inspectorate.  

The Scottish Housing Regulator does not deal with individual complaints.  However, if you have a serious concern about the Association you can raise this with them.  

A serious concern is where a social landlord regularly and repeatedly fails to achieve the regulatory requirements.  Click here for more information.