Find a home

We know that trying to find a home that’s right for you can be daunting and we are here to help.  Operating in the Tollcross, Braidfauld, Carmyle, Lilybank, and Newbank areas, we have over 2,200 properties of varies types and sizes.  You can view our street list here.  

Anyone aged 16 and over can apply for a home with us.  To apply for a home, you need to complete an application and provide evidence for you and all household members who will be in the new home with you.  

Click here if you are interested in applying for Sheltered Housing with us. 


The best way to apply for a house is to complete our online application

Not only will you be able to provide us with all the information needed to apply for a home, but the online process also provides details about properties we have that meet your housing needs.  

Download an application 

You can download or receive an application form via email

Once complete, you will need to return to us with the required evidence.  We ask that you do not send in original documents.  However, we can take a photocopy of any evidence if you visit our main office.  

In person 

Our housing team are always available to help with completion of housing application forms.

Just visit us at our main office from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. 

What evidence do you need to supply

We require documentary evidence to allow for us to continue with your application.  If you fail to supply (or attach for our online process) we will be unable to process your application and your application will be terminated.  You will need to resubmit an application to continue with the process.   

Evidence required for you and all household members is:

Name & address

Proof of name and current address is required, dated within the last 3-months. 

For example, bank statement, utility bill, offical letters (DWP, etc.).

Date of birth

Proof of date of birth required for every household member.

For example, passport, driving licence, national identity card, visa or other official documents.

N.I. number

Proof of national insurance number is required for every household member over 16-years.

For example, payslip, P60, P45, offical letters (HM Revencue & Customs etc.).

Benefit info

Proof of any benefits claimed (dated within the last 3-months).  For example, tax credits, child benefits, universal credit, etc.

Next steps 

1. Assessment of housing need Once we receive your application, we will contact you to review the information supplied.  We do this to ensure that your housing need is assessed accurately, and you receive the maximum points available to you (in line with our Allocations Policy).  It is important to update us with any changes in your circumstances to ensure you housing need is accurately assessed.  
2. Waiting list and selection All applications will be placed on our waiting list and offers of housing will be made based on the housing need identified and the availability of suitable housing (e.g. size of home suitable for household).  
3. Offer of a home Where suitable housing has been identified, you will be invited to attend a visit to review the property.  If the property is acceptable, your application will be progressed into an offer of tenancy.  Applications may be suspended if three consecutive reasonable offers have been refused.

Keeping our waiting list up to date

We understand that sometimes people no longer need or want to be on our waiting list, and just forget to let us know.  To help us keep our waiting list up to date, we complete a yearly review of all housing list applications.   If you wish to remain on our waiting list, it is important to let us know or you will be removed from the list and will need to put in a new application to be reconsidered.